I can be a hells puppy cause I ain't no angel baby
OH SNAP again!!!
I am waiting on my special harness. Its coming Saturday. Can't wait people. Make walking a lot easier. In the meantime I will get my steps in by pacing around.
the happy hounds |
I am thinking of joining a motorcycle gang and riding with my dad...maybe a sidecar.
I can be a hells puppy cause I ain't no angel baby OH SNAP again!!! I am waiting on my special harness. Its coming Saturday. Can't wait people. Make walking a lot easier. In the meantime I will get my steps in by pacing around.
We were playing in the backyard and lard butt was chasing her oh so precious ball. You don't think I was just going to let that stand did you? Oh hell no. We were waiting for Diane to throw the ball and Marley was looking around for it but I had stole it!!! I still got my wits about me people, Still do. I hid it and myself under the tree so Marley could not it back. My house, my rules. We are going to Ft Washington later on so I must rest up. TTYL
![]() Oh look Beelzebub's buddy is lounging around without a care in the world. I'll fix that soon enough, It's still icy. What the heck? Emma is coming over tomorrow because she is too dainty to walk on ice. See what I have to put up with the all the crazy ladies around me? It's not easy people, not easy. I think we are still on for our romantic dinner. Too bad Marley is here. Always a third wheel she is. Oh, well, I have to be gracious. It's a sign of class people. And we all know I have class. Meanwhile I am getting my steps in pacing around the apartment. Its like I am walking outside but without the annoyance of the ice, weather, sliding, stairs and anything else that annoys me. Not a bad gig this pacing around. I'm bored but I don't want to go outside. Maybe I will just hover over Marley. That seems like a good idea. TTYL people. It's not funny people. I'm slip sliding all over the frigging town. It's treacherous out there. I can take it though. Its icy everywhere. My people are going to be surprised when they get home. Its suppose to be warm when they get back though so I guess they are bringing some warmth home with them. They better. Alice came over and we played a but in the house and that was fun. Always nice to see Alice. Damn, I am such a good host.
![]() So it snowed a bit last night which I usually wouldn't mind too much but now there is freezing rain. They call that sleet people. I don't dig sleet. Tomorrow is going down to 5 degrees but its suppose to feel like -1. Hell no, I'm going to the backyard people. that is as far as I'm going. Everything is icy. We shoveled the best we could and put down ice melt but when its that cold people you just got to snuggle up and stay inside. Or pace inside. I need to get my exercise somehow. Diane is going out to put some more ice melt on the stairs so I can get down them. Dear Lord, just wake me up when this is over. We have been watching a fascinating show about Marley on tv though. It's called "My 600 Pound Life" OH SNAP !!! I DID IT AGAIN!!! At least my sense of humor has not froze. Ah, I feel better now after that. TTYL people , will blog when I can feel my paws. ![]() The culprit . Don't; look into her eyes. That's her game people. Dazzle you with those eyes and then Miss Slick Fatty McFatty goes in for the kill!! Let me tell you what happened. Diane went out to the car to prep it for the snow. Don't ask people. Anywho, she had left me some food in my bowl. Now you know me people, I like to graze and I always leave food in the bowl because you just never know. It could be Armageddon around the corner and I will be the only dog left with any food in their bowl. You never know. Anywho, back to blubber butt. Diane comes back in side to find this . THE BOWL WAS LICKED CLEAN. Look at what I have to put up with people. Look at this. The injustice, the calamity, the horror of it all. Diane gave me an extra special dinner and Marley only a little dinner. I guess that was dessert then right? Didn't think I was keeping score did you people. Of course I'm keeping score. ![]() You can see her butt from a distance. Anywho, all is well. We are planning for some snow tomorrow. I would shovel, but no hands people, remember? Ha. Anywho, we have been trying to track down my sweet baboo AKA Emma but with no luck. Alright, play hard to get lady, it will only cost you in the end. I just got though nursing Diane through her cold she had for the last couple of days. I am such a good nurse. I made her chicken soup. Sike!! Ha!! No hands, remember people? Ah, I found out today my girl is coming over Tuesday for Marley's birthday party. It wont be as good as mine. I said only to invite Emma no one else. So that is how it will be. The Lou has spoken people. I wonder what I will make her for dinner. It should be romantic that it is the fist priority. Maybe a candle lit dinner...maybe it will be like lady and the tramp and we will both eat a piece of spaghetti on either end and meet in the middle and our eyes will lock and..... "excuse me. my party remember"? - Marley Marley ruins everything. Whatever. I will just pretend Marley is not here during my romantic night. Diane gave me a new blanket . Noticed she didn't give one to Marley. Just saying. TTYL people I have to start planning my romantic dinner. You can never be too prepared. ![]() All my rowdy friends came over!!! My sweet baboo was here!!! That's all I cared about really. I got to play privately with Emma at Ft. Washington which was a nice treat that Diane set up. Then I napped before the party so I had lots of energy when Emma paid a surprise visit to my birthday party. What joy!!! Obi, Milo, Emma & Mia came by. Obi was quiet the whole time. Weird but good. He was so good. Maybe he was another dog. Maybe an imposter. Anyway all the dogs had their dinner of Chicken, rice & broccoli. Marley and I ate before anyone came over. I need privacy to eat people. This isn't a group home, people, it isn't. I have to keep an eye out with fat ass in my house. I can't eat in front of five dogs. I don't have eyes in the back of my head. Then Obi and Mia came over and they ate. Then John & Ann and Emma came over and Emma ate. I am such a good host. Really, I am impressive. I made them gift bags as well. Then we had homemade cookies. They were good. They had pumpkin and peanut butter in them. I baked them people, it was all me. All me. Ignore the person typing. I am dictating to her that's all. Everyone sang happy Birthday to me which was well deserved, I mean, nice. We all hung out in the back yard while the humans ate. The neighbor lady came by and gave us all treats. All in all a really good night, We should do this every week. We went out to the park at 11pm so long night but fun night. I am ready to go again though. TTYL You really think I am going to let Satan's sidekick play with my stuff? I think not people, I think not.
I let her play with my favorite ball that I always, well sometimes, well occasionally, play with. I did it to lull her into a false sense of security. I am a clever boy. Don't underestimate me. I pounce when no one expects it. She kept playing with the ball anyway. I let her truth be known. Don't tell her though. It will swell her pretty little head.......just like her butt!!! OH SNAP...…….. I DID IT AGAIN!!! Didn't see that coming did you? Oh, I'm on a roll people. On a roll.... …..too busy laughing ….TTYL |
LouieAdventures in Dog Sitting . Lets see...what do I like..I like being the only dog in the universe that matters..drinking ALOT of water..& BEING HUNTED. I Love that!!! Archives
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