Oh look Beelzebub's buddy is lounging around without a care in the world. I'll fix that soon enough, It's still icy. What the heck? Emma is coming over tomorrow because she is too dainty to walk on ice. See what I have to put up with the all the crazy ladies around me? It's not easy people, not easy. I think we are still on for our romantic dinner. Too bad Marley is here. Always a third wheel she is. Oh, well, I have to be gracious. It's a sign of class people. And we all know I have class. Meanwhile I am getting my steps in pacing around the apartment. Its like I am walking outside but without the annoyance of the ice, weather, sliding, stairs and anything else that annoys me. Not a bad gig this pacing around. I'm bored but I don't want to go outside. Maybe I will just hover over Marley. That seems like a good idea. TTYL people.