So everyday I hang with my friends. There is Arlo, Archie, Marley and Mookie. We run around. Mostly I chase sticks and then Richard from across the street gives us cookies. Very cool. I like him and I know what he has so I am the first one there, believe you me. It is suppose to be 100 degrees on Saturday. I can't count but Diane tells me that is a lot of degrees so I will believe her. I will stay inside most o f the day cuddling. That is always a good idea.
LOOK!! I am amazing at this. It's my true calling. I think I may be a florist. I made these all by myself. She what happens when everyone is away? I get creative people. Marley and her fat butt keeps trying to knock them over when she walks down the stairs. I don't. I am gentle. I don't want to ruin my masterpiece. Everyone in the neighborhood said I di a good job and I got a cookie in Hastings Park with my friends. I know exactly who has the cookies too. I think his name is Frank or something but I see all the other dogs making a bee-line for him and I am right there with him. I jump around after the stick when Diane throws it like a little puppy. Then I lay down and chew my stick. I am a happy boy I tell you. And a florist.
I got the good ball and I showed everyone. Yes, I was prancing around pretty as you please. Why? I got the special ball that makes noise, that's why. The best part about it is that Marley didn't even try to get it. She was too hot so it serves her right . I will let you know about tomorrow's adventure then. I am getting to be a regular at Hastings Park and at the dog park. We go to Ft. Washington too but Diane says I eat too much dirt there and it's not good for me. What does she know? I got a reputation to uphold now people so pay attention.
We finally made it to Fresh Pond!! It was cool enough to go this morning and now it's hot again...what gives. people, what gives? I am too delicate to be hot. I don't like it. We had fun here. Diane and I went by ourselves which is the way I like it. No bone stealing Marley going. We left her at home :)
Diane said she would get too hot but truthfully I think she just wanted me all to herself. She admitted it was true after I pressed her about it. I knew it. The ladies dig me:) I don't know what to do with my bone. It's too hot out at the dog park, I'm bored and now we are going to go to Louie's to watch movies because there is nothing else to do.. s a million degrees out!!! Why, oh why, must it be sooooo hot all the time? Why? Why? Why? I cant eve go swimming its so hot. Diane said she will take me when it gets just a little cooler because she said I will get overheated and it's not good for me to get that hot. I agree with her. It's too hot people. When will I be released from Dante's Inferno Oh, lord I can't go on ….
Why, oh why, must I suffer? It is enough I put up with Marley and her bones but now the heat too? I haven't even chewed a bone yet and Marley has gone through two of them!!! But don't worry, I get her back when I snuggle with her person at night believe you me. We sleep in the bed together and Marley lays down near the front door starting into the room giving us the evil eye. Doesn't bother me none, I am the lover boy and she is not. I snuggle and snuggle with Diane and she can't do nothing about it. So go ahead, old evil eye one, try to work your magic on me, it's not going to work. Why? Because I am a lover, not a fighter baby. Maybe you should try it, would do you some good. Think about that the next time you are chewing your bone.
SiriusI like wrestling , Fresh Pond going to the park, FOOD !!! Archives
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