So Marley & I went to Fresh Pond this morning, first thing. Fab!!! I made a friend (see dude on right) and we ran around a bunch. I like him. Maybe he can stay here with me instead of Marley...but I guess I will put up with her for now.
So Marley & I went to Fresh Pond this morning, first thing. Fab!!! I made a friend (see dude on right) and we ran around a bunch. I like him. Maybe he can stay here with me instead of Marley...but I guess I will put up with her for now.

I AM THE LEADER ...As long as Marley gets that we are good.
So last night Alice came over for movie night. Of course she was using me for my toys. She came by and licked my face and was all flirty and then the minute I turned my back, WHAM!! She stole my squirrel!!! What is this with these crazy girls? I was able to get it back and Diane put it out of Alice's reach so that was ok. Diane got me a new toy, a monkey and of course who tried to steal it? Alice and Marley just at different times. You can't trust women. You just can't. I need to take a nap now, I'm aggravated and tired if truth be told :)